Subject: Mark, Warren and Indiana Jones will explain it to you today.
Today we will start with a quiz.
Three questions about celebrities.
if you are right in the three answers, you will get a gift.
Game on
Question #1
One of the fathers of today’s social media?
He is American,
and his company starts with the letter M.
Moments of thinking.
Of course,
Mark Zuckerberg,
this one was easy.
Question #2
What about one of the best investors of all time?
Who can be?
Here gets tricky
Few seconds for you to think about it.
1, 2, 3
Don’t look into the answer,
it is down here.
Oh too late,
you looked already.
Warren Buffet.
Warren is the guy we are looking for.
If you do not know who is,
(I would be worried about your finances then, but that is a separate topic)
please stop this email here and Google him.
Google him with a special focus on his favourite book.
Question #3
Last question.
if you are right for the three questions,
remember there will be a gift for you at the bottom of the email.
And what about one of the best actors in history?
Han Solo?
Indiana Jones?
Amazing characters all.
That guy is Harrison Ford.
We have Mark, we have Warren and we have Harisson.
Three celebrities.
The three guys with many things in common.
American, successful, rich…you name it!
These things are obvious.
However, there is a fourth thing they have in common,
something you would not believe.
Pay attention,
as this is important.
They have something in common with you.
Let me spell it for you.
also called fear of public speaking,
or as Harrison Ford used to call it:
“a mixed bag of terror and anxiety”
These celebrities are just like you,
with only one difference.
The only difference between you and them,
is that they overcame their fears.
And do you know how they overcame their fear of public speaking?
The answer is simple.
Practice. They practice a lot. More than you could imagine.
That’s the key.
Like in many things in life. The practice.
Practice really does get you pretty darn close to perfect
If you want to forget about your mixed bag of terror and anxiety when you deliver a speech,
it is here.
PD: Warren Buffet’s favourite book is How to Win Friends and influence people.
PD2: If you were right in the three answers, this is your gift.